

教育服务 office is open!

Our customary hours are 8am - 5pm Monday through Friday.

 我们将在5月20日关门th 5月27日th


参观校园? 按此浏览 CMU的停车地图. Please note, lot CP6 (west of Houston Hall) will not be available during Summer ’24. Some walkways across campus and near Houston Hall will be occasionally inaccessible while Geo-exchange系统 改进正在进行中.

Accessible Parking will continue to be provided during construction. Tmeeting the needs of our participants EAS will be offering in-person and virtual meetings May 20 - July 31,请打电话预约.


Please contact us at 970-248-1856, (电子邮件保护) 或在休斯顿108号大厅停留. 



View the Accessibility Information Management (目的) portal to manage 住宿.

Have a concern about accessibility 卡内基梅隆大学? 让我们知道! If you have encountered a physical barrier on campus, 比如不能使用的电梯, 失效残障按钮, 阻塞通道坡道, 等, please complete the form above to give us more information. If there is an urgent request or need during non-business hours - please contact Facilities directly at 970.254.4357.


教育服务 (EAS) provides support 适合有 both permanent 以及暂时性残疾. This can include physical disabilities, chronic illness/health conditions, 精神健康状况, 学习障碍, 以及暂时性残疾. We are available for new student intake and returning student meetings, please contact us at (电子邮件保护) or 970.248.1856. 


Establish pp电子极速糖果 as an inclusive and accessible university that expands our understanding and appreciation for the diverse contributions of each individual.


教育服务 (EAS) recognizes disability as an aspect of diversity and an integral part of society. 我们与学生合作, 教师, 工作人员, and community members to create an accessible higher education community.


  • Provide academic 住宿 and promote universal design principals
  • Enable all students the opportunity to fully participate in all aspects of the college experience
  • Empower students to be successful and independent learners